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Planning to apply? Watch the video for tips on submitting an eligible dish.

The most important part of the application is the recipe for your signature dish – the dish that you will use to communicate your unique creativity and vision to the world.

In order to comply with competition regulations, there are a number of stipulations that the recipe must follow. Below we’ve highlighted some of the main points you need to know when it comes to considering the ingredients and raw materials, preparation steps and equipment needed to turn your recipe into a winning dish. However, we recommend that applicants read the regulations carefully and in full to ensure that all criteria are met.





The permitted preparation time in the Regional Finals and Grand Finale is five hours.

• The signature dish must be a main course. Amuse-bouche and and desserts are not allowed.

• The recipes, preparations, methods and equipment used since the Regional Finals must be aimed at and in line with the terms established for the Grand Finale phase.

• All preparation methods must comply with HACCP rules and food safety regulations applicable to the Grand Finale.

• It is therefore recommended from the Regional Finals onwards to identify preparation methods and processes that can be used also for the Grand Finale.


ingredients and raw materials



Fermented, dry-aged or enzymatically processed foods or foods that have undergone special treatments which alter their organoleptic characteristics.

For the Grand Finale these foods must be accompanied by a test report from an EU accredited laboratory. Analyses must be carried out within 48 hours prior to the competition and shall be used to monitor the following parameters: moulds, yeasts, clostridium perfrigens, coagulase-positive staphylococci, enterobacteriaceae, escherichia coli, listeria monocytogens, and salmonella spp.


• The Signature Dish can be accompanied by liquids or drinks derived exclusively from the recipe preparation process. The following are excluded: liquids or drinks that do not correspond to the ingredients or the recipe preparation; alcohol-based liquids and drinks. For the Grand Finale, liquids or drinks relevant to and derived from the preparation that undergo a prior fermentation process must be analysed by an EU accredited laboratory (please refer to point 4 of the HACCP rules). This analysis procedure shall be the responsibility of the Young Chef.


Preserves, fermentations, powders, and dehydrated products that are ready for use. Marinades and cooking juices must be prepared in situ.

For the Grand Finale, ready-to-use preserves, fermentations, powders and dehydrated products must be accompanied by microbiological analyses, to ascertain the actual health and organoleptic quality of the preparations. Such analyses shall be the responsibility of the Young Chefs and must be carried out by an EU accredited laboratory (please refer to point 4 of the HACCP rules).




• The ingredients of the Signature Dish must not include animals considered to be endangered species, animal blood or edible gold. Competitors are required to choose the ingredients they want to use, considering the limitations and prohibitions established by Italian, EU and international law with regard to: the protection of specific species of the flora and fauna and food health and safety aspects (for reference click on the links).


• For the Grand Finale, where certain ingredients cannot be sourced due to seasonality or restrictions imposed by any food safety regulations in force, the Young Chef shall be asked to substitute the ingredient concerned. Similarly, where it is not possible to find certain ingredients due to particular types of processing, enzymatic processes or specific transformations requested by the Young Chef, the Organiser shall supply the same ingredient without carrying out any processing or preparation altering its condition. Therefore, the product supplied shall be as similar and appropriate to the Young Chef's recipe and process as possible, giving him/her prior notice. The organiser will assess each necessary before the Grand Finale.




No open flame cooking methods may be used within the location hosting the competition. The Organiser shall take care of setting up an outdoor area near the location with devices suitable for open flame cooking.



• Young Chefs must specify in advance – in the proper application form field – the equipment they need to prepare their Signature Dish, if not already listed in the set-up provided by the Organisation. Here is the list of equipment for the participant workstation:



• The use of hand-made and/or typical regional equipment must be declared in advance by sending the relevant data sheets and pictures. That being the case, a process of validation and authorisation of the equipment shall take place.



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